Reading with Karina at 17 months

Tumble Bumble - Felicia Bond The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear - Don Wood, Audrey Wood

Karina's getting more interested in fewer books - it's getting harder and harder to introduce new books, as she just wants to read the ones she knows over and over. That's pretty normal for her age from what I hear, and also I hear it's good for language acquisition, so I try not to mind too much. I actually don't mind reading things over and over (as fast she often wants to turn the pages, having them memorized is a good thing for me, too!), I just feel like there's so many books out there yet to read! I guess we've got time.


I do love that she's started bringing me books to read in the morning. I'm working from home, but I always have time to pause and read to her. Her latest thing is wanting me to just read the "Tumble bumble up the stairs" page in Tumble Bumble. She won't let me get to the rest of the book. She just turns back to "tumble bumble up the stairs" page over and over and over. I must say it silly or something.


She's also taken a great liking to The Big Hungry Bear, but she has a foible with this one, too - after we get through all the ways the mouse might guard or hide the strawberry, she flips backward through the book back to the beginning. I guess she's on to the narrator's extortion scheme and doesn't care to read that part!


As an example, it's 8:40am and we've already done both those things about three times, plus read But Not the Hippopotamus twice. I'll take it!